Some of the projects delivered under our
technical leadership in the recent past

Project 1

Review of ICT Authority Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and develop of Implementation Plans supported by UK - DFID (Now FCDO - UKAID)

Project 2

Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study on readiness of International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) affiliated institutions to offer academic training using E-Learning platforms to provide a roadmap to enhance teaching and learning in their institutions in 2022 funded by UNDP.

Project 3

Customized Executive Resource Mobilization Programs for Local & National Governments in collaboration with Strathmore University.

Project 4

Governance and Enterprise Risk Management Executive Trainings for both Private and Public Sectors in Kenya supported by various MDAs and Counties through nomination of their key officers mandated to champion for Good Governance, Management and ethics in their various organizations.

Project 5

Technical Assistance to ICT Authority, KENET, Communication Authority (CA) and Ministry of ICT ( MOICT) on Promoting Digital Inclusion for COVID-19 Response through Partnerships between Private and Public Sectors in Kenya funded by DFID (Now FCDO/UK-DAP/ UKAID)

Project 6

Enhancement of Digital Accessibility of Government Services for Marginalized and Persons with Disability
• The objective of the project was to carry out an assessment of gaps and challenges hindering effective delivery of government services to the vulnerable and marginalized citizens during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This was achieved by carrying out a baseline survey to gain increased understanding of the gaps and opportunities available for Persons with Disabilities to access digital government services. In the long run, the project aimed to achieve enhanced access to digital government services by persons with disabilities in Kenya.

Project 7

Cyberhygiene Awareness Creation and Capacity Development Plans for Digitally Excluded Populations of Kenya including Persons with Disability.
• The developed Cyberhygiene Awareness Creation and Capacity Framework submitted among the 8 proposals recommended promotion of safe and secure digital services, as such through the guidance of the framework, there was need to come up with awareness creation and capacity building implementation plans. Excluded populations including Persons with Disability were identified as beneficiaries of the project. A baseline study was conducted prior to the development of the plans in order to assess the cybersecurity posture among the targeted populations. Enhancement cyberhygiene practices being the end goal of the project.

Project 8

n Collaboration with African Centre for Women, Information and Communication Technology (ACWICT) worked on the following projects;
• Digital Skills for Delivery of Health Care • Services- ICT4Health.
• COVID- 19 and Digital Employability-II.
• Digital Agriculture for Accelerated and Inclusive
• Post COVID-19 Recovery in Laikipia.

Project 9

Enhancing secure access to digital government services for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Kenya; This project aimed at implementing the recommendations from project 6 “Enhancement of Digital Accessibility of Government Services for Marginalized and Persons with Disability” whose objective was to carry out an assessment of gaps and challenges hindering effective delivery of government services to the vulnerable and marginalized citizens in Kenya during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two main findings of the baseline study were; one, there lacked digital skills to access government digital services and two, the digital government services were inaccessible. Informed by the key finding of the baseline study, the project had two focus areas; the demand and the supply of digital government services.
The demand side aimed at capacity building persons with disabilities to enable them to securely access digital government services by providing digital literacy training, awareness creation, handholding, and mentorship. The program attached an application list of 1500 persons with disabilities, a total of 557 persons with disabilities comprising of 308 Male (55.3%) and 249 female (44.7%) were trained against a target of 545 persons translating to 102.2% thereby surpassing the project total target.
The supply side focused on enabling the government to provide secure accessible digital services by; provision of assistive infrastructure and technologies, sensitizing and creating awareness on digital accessibility to government officials, capacity building and handholding government ICT officers, web and content developers on web accessibility, reviewing government web platforms on web accessibility compliance, enhancing web platforms to be accessible and finally ensuring there is a proper digital accessibility monitoring and evaluation framework. As part of the project outcome 307 devices across 63 KNLS Centres were installed with assistive technologies, over 70 government officials from 15 MDAs were sensitized and trained and seven government platforms were reviewed for accessibility with two platforms being enhanced for accessibility.
The project purpose and outcomes were achieved through the collaboration of multiple stakeholders around different roles and key strategic contributions. The delivery mainly involved relevant Government Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDA), Organizations of Persons with Disabilities, and Inspire Africa Initiatives International Limited providing the necessary Technical Leadership Expertise as required.

Other Project Implementers on this;

included Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya (APDK), Inspire Africa Initiatives International; National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD); Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB), Kenya National Library Services (KNLS) among others..

Succesful Local & International Associate Consultancies


Associate Consultant, Development of the Strategic Plan, Council for Legal Education, Rwanda


Associate Consultant, Development of the Strategic Plan, National Council of Science and Technology, Rwanda.


Associate Consultant, Development of Republic of Rwanda CPA Curriculum, Accreditation guidelines, Exemptions Policy and Examination delivery model


Associate Consultant, Development of Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures Manual for the Government of Rwanda’s Government owned Companies

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Tel:+254 754 233245 / +254 739 115809 /+254 784 354 221/


Inspire Africa Initiatives International Limited
Purshottam Place, 7th Floor, Westlands Road, Riverside.
P.O. Box 51685 – 00100, Nairobi – Kenya



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